We fund youth training in music and dance in honour of our beloved Chris Reimer

Legacy Fund Society Projects


We have all been touched, humbled, and honoured by the responses to Chris and his music that have continued to reverberate since his passing. Each of us has also undertaken our own projects in response to his life and art.


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Hello People

New album ships April 19, 2018.
Pre-order today!


King Eddy Legacy Bricks


When we found out that the National Music Centre was selling authentic bricks from the original King Edward Hotel (aka famous blues venue the King Eddy) to be mounted in their Studio Bell, we jumped at the chance to engrave Chris' name on a wall. 20 of our friends and family members chipped in and helped make it a reality.

2013 - 2015

Dude, That's Insane
Animation project

The dear folks at Quickdraw Animation Society approached us in fall 2013 with an idea, inspired by listening to The Dodos “Confidence.” What about a collaborative, animated tribute to Chris, they said, noting in particular how Chris possesed a rare talent for inspiring those around him to new creative heights. They asked our permission to proceed. Hell yes! we said.

Made thanks to all the animators (in order of appearance):

Ben Jacques, Ryan Von Hagen, Francesco Van Der Zwaag, Chad VanGaalen, Heather Kai Smith and Neal Moignard, Kiarra Albina, Tyler Longmire, Andrea Hoff, Norma-Jean Harvey, Robert Starratt, Laura Leif and Dana Schloss, Brian Batista, Brandon Blommaert, Sonki Sharar, Bradley Lewter. And a million thanks to Peter Hemminger, Laura Lief and the Quickdraw crew.



Gold Album Release

Mammoth Cave Records released the 7” Losing Your Hair EP.

From the inset:

We started recording these songs in January 2012 with the intention of spending a couple of months demoing all of our material in preparation for a full length studio album. Our drummer, Chris Reimer, had brought over his beloved 4trk cassette deck, small mixer, and collection of microphones and we spent some days and nights together playing with gear. On February 21th 2012, Chris passed away unexpectedly in his sleep of a previously undiagnosed heart condition. This EP is an archive of the four songs we had completed with Chris on the drums and the console, and is dedicated with so much love to him and the inspiration he filled us with.

You can download the album on Bandcamp.


Photo show at MOCA as part of the Sled Island Music Festival


Society Director Marc Rimmer, Chris’ best friend, curated Christopher J.J. Reimer, a show that presented a collection of photos of Chris by various people in his life, alongside his ambient recordings, guitar amps, and a can of Lucky beer (his favourite). We also auctioned off a series of photos taken by Chris himself throughout his travels, included a dyptich that hung for awhile at the Local 510 pub (RIP) in Calgary. The auction and evening raised nearly $3,000 towards the fund.


Special thanks to Paisley Sims, MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art Calgary) and Sled Island.


Release of The Chad Tape

Chad VanGaalen approached Chris some time in 2011 offering to reproduce a cassette tape of Chris' solo work. Chris started work on this but passed away before completing the project; on his computer, we found a folder of music titled “The Chad Tape.” Chris’ girlfriend and Society Director Rena Kozak mastered and released the tape, with help from Flemish Eye records, to significant fanfare, including writeups on CBC.ca, Rolling Stone online, Exclaim.ca, and critical acclaim on various music blogs and publications. Though the tape has sold out, you can still purchase and download a digital copy on bandcamp.

Special thanks to Rena Kozak, Ian Russell and Chad van Gaalen.


Fundraiser and book launch of I Don’t Feel So Good


Elizabeth Bachinsky, a Vancouver writer and poet, published I Don’t Feel So Good (BookThug), in Fall 2012, which she dedicated to Chris' sister Nikki. Liz decided to make the Vancouver launch of the book a fundraiser for our fund. Chris’ friends Jaime Cullen (Church of the Very Bright Lights, Solo), Morgan Greenwood (Azeda Booth, Solo) and Don L’Orange (The Doers, Total Ice) agreed to donate musical performances, and various publishers and labels donated swag for raffling. The event raised $900, which was donated directly to the Decidedly Jazz Danceworks Children’s Bursary Program on behalf of the Chris Reimer Legacy Fund.

Special thanks to Elizabeth Bachinsky, Dina del Bucchia, Sean Cranbury, Talonbooks, BookThug, Todd Cote and Leafy Green Booking, The Dodos, Anvil Press, Poetry is Dead Magazine, Broken Pencil Magazine, Event Magazine, W2 Community Media Arts, and Flemish Eye.